Dutch Academic Center for Insurance medicine

Welcome to the site of the Dutch Academic Center for Insurance Medicine

The Dutch Academic Center for Insurance medicine is a collaborative initiative of the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) and the Dutch Association of Insurance Medical Officers (GAV).

The Dutch Academic Center for Insurance Medicine (DACIM) wants to provide a scientific foundation for the private insurance medicine.

The objective of the Dutch Academic Center for Insurance Medicine (DACIM) is to develop medical private insurance knowledge by means of an academic collaboration. The DACIM wants to contribute to the scientific foundation and medical evidence of the private insurance medicine and improve the quality of professionals working in this field.
The activities of the DACIM include education and research in the field of life and work disability insurance, as well as liability.

The DACIM wants to develop scientific knowledge by initiating, conducting and coordinating research and providing scientific information to the field of private insurance medicine. By this means the DACIM wants to stimulate the development of scientific knowledge and will set up a scientific program. The DACIM wants to spread information regarding private insurance medicine by contributing to medical or other education and to provide a central place for general information regarding the private insurance medicine.
To reach her goals the DACIM aims for collaboration with University faculties, academic centers or research institutes, both National and International.

Recently published research

Indications of a Scarring Effect of Sickness Absence Periods in a Cohort of Higher Educated Self-Employed
Liesbeth E.C. Wijnvoord ,Sandra Brouwer, Jan Buitenhuis, Jac J.L. vander Klink, Michiel R.de Boer
PLOS ONE May 23 2016,

Recently published research:

The Added Value of Medical Testing in Underwriting Life Insurance
Jan Bronsema, Sandra Brouwer, Michiel R. de Boer, Johan W. Groothoff
PLOS one Published: December 30, 2015 •DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0145891


Presentation of Scientific Programme DACIM, October 8th 2014

On October 8th 2014 the scientific programme of DACIM was presented to stakeholders.
Five visions on research in private insurance medicine were presented.

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